Our work – Merriwa Straw Bale Home

On the rolling hills of Merriwa stands Annie and Rowan Rodgers glorious straw bale home.

Featured in Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine, Moar Windows & Doors Australia in Armidale helped to make this unique dream a reality.

Our Timber work is the only renewable, recyclable material for windows and doors so our Rosewood Lift and Slide Doors were the perfect product for Annie and Rowan. They are German-engineered and can easily handle 400kg of glass, allowing for Viridian double glazing with ultimate thermal efficiency while maintaining uninterrupted views.

They slide effortlessly – you can open one with a finger!

Read more about this amazing home in Hunter & Coastal Lifestyle Magazine.

Energy Efficient Windows Australia in Armidale proudly manufactures a complete range of high quality solid timber windows and doors, specialising in double glazed thermally efficient windows and doors.

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